What we do

Our projects focus on Healthcare, Education, and Community support to create sustainable and lasting impacts.

We care about Communities

Our projects aim to address the critical needs of the communities in Bugwere and Butebo.


There is a strong history of the missionary community in Uganda demonstrating the compassion of Christ through medical missions. In many cases, this was the original point of contact between missionaries and the local people.  programmes.


SHAWIN is committed to improving education facilities in Mukono so all children have the opportunity and ability to finish school and seek sustainable livelihoods. There are currently not enough classrooms for all children to attend school in Eastern Uganda.


SHAWIN obeys the Great Commission! We believe that all Christians have a definite Biblical mandate to take the Good News of Jesus to all the people groups of the world. The Great Commission is the only teaching of Jesus to be recorded five times in the Bible.


Heal the sick who are there and tell them, “The kingdom of God is near you”

Luke 10:9

There is a strong history of the missionary community in Uganda demonstrating the compassion of Christ through medical missions.

In many cases, this was the original point of contact between missionaries and the local people.

Today, SHAWIN is more supportive as nationals have taken on responsibility for medical programmes.
Many long-standing diseases remain prevalent in Africa. TB, polio and malaria still bring suffering to many millions.

In addition, the recent disaster of HIV/AIDS, the biggest killer of young people in Africa, brings a new and urgent challenge.


SHAWIN works in partnership with SHAWIN Memorial Hospital in Butebo. This hospital was founded in memory of Sharon and Winfred.

The hospital combines medical care with a wider Christian witness. Many patients have come to faith in Christ whilst staying in this hospital.
There are many long-term opportunities for the medically trained to serve at these hospitals.

We can also organise medical electives and GAP placements for those seeking shorter service opportunities.


The HIV/AIDS epidemic continues to be the scourge of Africa, the median HIV prevalence among countries that reported these data in eastern and southern Africa was: 29.9% among sex workers. 12.9% among gay men and other men who have sex with men. 21.8% among people who inject drugs. Out of 1.4 million people living with the disease, 860 000 are women and 80 000 are children.

As part of the drive to reduce the number of babies born with HIV, Uganda has a robust prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) programme.

SHAWIN is committed to improving education facilities in Mukono so all children have the opportunity and ability to finish school and seek sustainable livelihoods. There are currently not enough classrooms for all children to attend school in Eastern Uganda. When a child can go to school, they are in a class with 1 teacher to 80 students, without adequate furniture or resources. Some schools have no school boundary or fence, allowing vandalism and constant distraction from cars, people, and even cows and goats entering school property.

Ending poverty through education

Building new classrooms allows all children to attend school and be in a class where they can learn and thrive in a safe and comfortable space. Improving other facilities and creating boundary walls protect students and teaching staff and the pride in their school grows. Overall, quality school facilities allow children to do their best, and their test results improve, leading to more opportunities for their future.

Sponsor St Paul’s Primary School Mukono

This is your opportunity to do just that, by sponsoring St Paul Primary School in Mukono. 


All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 

2 Timothy 3:16–17

Many churches in Africa lack properly trained leadership. It is a major priority of SHAWIN to engage in theological training so that our partner churches are equipped with pastors who in their theology and practice are firmly rooted in God’s word.

Current Training Opportunities

Whatever you did for one of the least of these… you did for me

Matthew 25:40

The truest test of our faith is how we show love and compassion to those in need. Jesus always responded to people in their place of need. In fact, Jesus said it was his actions that demonstrated the coming of the Kingdom of God.
SHAWIN is involved in several compassionate ministries which seek to demonstrate the reality of the Good News of Jesus in practical ways. There are thousands of orphans in Eastern Uganda. Who will care for them by providing food, shelter, education, medical and spiritual care? The Bible says this is “our true religion” (James 1:27)

Compassion opportunities

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SHAWIN obeys the Great Commission! We believe that all Christians have a definite Biblical mandate to take the Good News of Jesus to all the people groups of the world. The Great Commission is the only teaching of Jesus to be recorded five times in the Bible. This underscores the importance of the New Testament’s call to pioneering missionary work among those as yet unreached with the Gospel.
SHAWIN has always been dedicated to pioneering evangelism and this is still

Empowering Communities through Healthcare, Education, and Support

Transforming Lives in Bugwere and Butebo